Archive for nightmare

Dream 6-9-10: The Master RETURNS

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , on June 9, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 6-9-10

It has been awhile since I had dreamed of The Master from Doctor Who, most notably the John Simm version (of hottness). So I was pleasantly surprised to reignite old-lusts that came to light in my subconscious by having a very epic, long dream.

It began at my grandma’s house. She had some guests over and I think I talking to a half-real version of my DW-friend. One of the guests was none other than the Master himself, blonde in his black suit and tie! I proceeded to express my discomforting fear that I hoped he would not act like what he did in the old RP’s I used to do, aloud. He kept watching me, looking about wherever I went in the house. Finally I couldn’t take it and thought he wouldn’t be interested in me, which frankly was a good thing. I escaped through the sliding door while he was at the otherside of the house and started to flap my way over the fence and through grandma’s neighbor’s yard. Out I went to the streets, feeling better now that I was heading away and into the depths of her suburb, which had warped into a carnival town.

So there I was, all these buildings I was flapping and flying slowly above the concrete. Beyond was the rides, beyond the fence with clown pictures. I dared not to go there, so I turned around. I noted that I was glad he didn’t follow me. So there I was, flying, and I went past a farmer’s fruit stand. There was a guy who asked how much I thought those ‘squash’ which were in fact creamy-orange pumpkins were. I replied 8 dimes, so he gave me 12 and told me to help me get them. As we walked towards them *we were up the air at a distance looking down* I began to realize he wanted help shoplifting them! I passed the money back from my palm to him and left, going to my left.

To my left I went, passing the school secretaries as I went through a building. It was deja vu again, from a dream I had where I was in an art museum. I leapt over the gallery-inside balcony to the ground, giving an old lady a puzzled look as I went. I past a theatre where there was a show about to start, something Italian and puppet-like I went past the ticket takers and to the outside, I had gone round in a circle!

Now to my left was a bed where people were sleeping. A robot-thing was there resting its head on a dark-haired middle aged lady’s, while our school secretaries slept on a sofa. I entered into the robot’s dream point of view which was a blur of ‘this’ reality and theres, and apparently it was war-robot and then it started to peck and drill the dream-air. That dream ended when I went back to my body for the secretaries to wake up and find the robot’s nose was a drill and it killed the lady, blood and liquid brains out of her head. It was not fun.

So I flew away, away towards grandma’s house when I past a lake. unfortunately the Master DID have a reason to get at me, for there was a GIANT naked John Simm lounging on his side in the water in the exhibit ‘All About John Simm’, while fangirls spectator and watched. Behind him in distance was the real Master swimming naked in a sectioned-off pool where ‘John Simm Fucks You In Water’, and he wouldn’t let any of the drooling women into the pool. He intended it for me, a very undeserving young lady.

Loud speakers form a hot air balloon in the clear blue sky taunted and laughed at me. The giant naked Simm threw a cheese cracker at my thigh making me fall into THE POOL WITH JOHN SIMM. I began to flail and scream.

The End.

Dream 5-2-10: Being the Knave of Hearts

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on May 3, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 5-2-10

I haven’t done a dream journal in ages, and its not like nobody’s been avidly reading them. Time for a new entry, I guess

This time I was in and out of the POV of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland character The Knave of Hearts, aka Ilosovic Stayne. Before you judge me, know that after a year suffering through the popular teenager-girl fandoms that have not interested me at all (Twilight, Naruto, Bleach, Vampire Kisses, House of Night, etc.) I finally got a franchise that I actually enjoy and squeal about immaturely like the fangirl that I’ve always wanted to be. My maturity on this cash-cow film has been thrown out the window.

So, the whole land of Underland was my grandma’s suburb. There I was, in the head of some GIjoe dude and the army watching and patrolling as our ever dashing tall villain Knave of Hearts was on his horse, parading around trying not to be suspicious. Then I saw the Knave go into our white minivan and turn into some sleezy cartoon version of himself. Out popped a life-size version of Berkely Beetle, a weasily character from Don Bluth’s Thumbelina that I saw as a kid. Don’t ask me why he was there, for then they were talking nonsense and the beetle-man disappeared.

I was then in the Knave’s point of view as that character. The suburb turned into our own street right when the Queen of Hearts appeared demanding the Jabberwocky be let loose. So, I headed out, leaving the GIJoes behind as I made my way down the street. In the movie its unclear where the dragon’s located, so frankly I had barely a clue where to go, so I went with the flow. Eventually on the way down the street I was on my horse again, and the police car following me stopped.

The end of the street was deja vu. From a previous dream *the cat one* the park beyond our dead-end fence was a giant secluded lake, but it was still being worked on. A half-finished giant pink vicious rabbit statue was in the middle of the water. Regardless of that the bank was flooded, and I knew something was living in the puddle. To the left was the brown house, this time with workers working on it. To the right right up next to the edge of the street was a row of small houses. The story was, there was a hardworking mother who lives there but she’s old and can only sleep or eat beans. Her children she didn’t raise hardworking and they left her there, lazy-asses as they were. What did that story in the dream have to do with anything? The fact the Knave who patrols these ‘lands’ knows his subjects?

In any case hte Queen and an entarouge arrived, and she said some magic words and wiggled her hands. The Jabberwocky appeared from the lake, to do havoc.

I then woke up, strangely at 6 in the morning and hour and a half before I would normally wake up.

Dream 3-3-10: Surviving a nuclear bomb.

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , on March 3, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 3-3-10

Once upon a time, up north in the forest, there was I, a group of people, the Inglorious Basterds and Brad Pitt in his role.

However today was not a good day for this fellowship. Three nuclear bombs are scheduled to go off at three different locations. The third is the most powerful.

Therefore for the first one I ran down the road, away from the main place *the sandy pine forest by a lake on a slopping hill* and went to the shelter of a house. The bomb went off far away, so I was safe. Then I went back, something about my mother accompanying me…anyways that didn’t last long, and I went up the hill deep into the forest with the rest of the Basterds. There was a clearing with bombshelters all around, so I went into one which was a scoop-dome of dirt I pulled over, the lid good and tight.
I waited as the KABOOM was made, the bomb set off far away as the wind rushed around the shelter. I crawled out with the help of Brad Pitt. Now, to prepare for the third one.

We went around the trees, gathering up and making sure everything was okay when suddenly it was revealed the big bomb was to be RIGHT IN THE CLEARING.

Right away we ran to our previous shelters, holding tight….and then it hit. It hit so hard I was in panic if it could get through my lid-shelter. I huddled in there with only water provisions and some food. I stayed there for days…weeks….I was tired, sore, enduring the massacre of wind and radition that turned trees and dirt into orangish poisonous sludge and sand. I had to check outside occasionally by peeking out, risking radiation to damage my eyes. I felt suffering and fear very strongly in this dream. I waited…and waited…and waited…

Finally the destruction was gone and I was pulled out. I was weak and trembling as the Basterds and a wagon train went up the hill. I was feeling very special, as if I was supremely important. However as I walked along in my simple outfit there was Frodo and Samwise! I went to follow them…and then, a large man, pale with a disgusting evil face and hat and black feathers all over appeared. I ran from him with the hobbits into a church, where I thought to be safe.

However it was not to be. The church was from another dream I had a while ago which was filled with Labyrinth-LOTR style goblins and orcs! We went to go back outside but was stopped by the goblins flooding in, blacking the exit. The meantime I was having out of body experiences from being a separate person watching myself *with black hair and completely different hairstyle* go up on a pile of chairs to being in my body. The monsterous person was at a podium announcing my capture to Sauron. The look of him…was terrifying….he was just…evil….so f*cking evil, I felt just as bad as when I was hiding in a bomb shelter alone earlier.

Well, I had enough of this deja-vu goblin-church and ran right out the asile to a door on the side. It led outside to a back scrubland areas, where the grass was tall and drying like the end of summer.

The air was warm, these long patches of praireland intercepted by bushy scrubby tree places and small wetland areas. I ran fast and hard along these ‘deer’ paths, but I soon realized they were caused by marching patrol of orcs. Indeed I looked behind me to see them running along after me a ways away, along with the pale man who turned into a human version of Christopher Walken with giant black sunglasses and longer hair. You bet I kept running!

I ran and ran along under trees, through twisting paths, till I found an expansive highway with a shopping center. I made my way over the red bridge of a pond to a cinema place, with Walken the only one following me, not far behind.  I went in through a window, begging for help, running along the blue-and-yellow corridors. They didn’t even ask for my ticket. Walken was not far behind.

I kept running and going up and down stairs and elevators of the place. The second floor was an art museum. Every person Walken talked to, turned into a spy for him: they each has something odd about them. Especially this one lady with giant red glasses and a big huge ginger afro: part of it turned into braids. I knew she was now possessed.

I ran out of the window to head to a green shopping plaza.

And then I woke up.

Dream 2-27-10: Running through a market from a snidley Whiplash

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , on February 27, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 2-27-20

Once more I have long vivid dreams, tis a trend coming forth. Backstory: yesterday I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with my mother, a classic childhood movie of mine, if a bit dark by todays standards. Oh how I LOVE it! And then, came forth a spy character in the movie…freaky and funny. Those who know the movie would probalby know what I’m talki8ng about: the two bumbling spies sent from Bomburst’s ship to shore to try to steal the car.

Well, my dream had begun. The details are fuzzy at the beginning, but I knew I was running from something. Well, that something was a blonde long hair man with curly-wavy hair. I was in a clearing, running, and realizied I was in a big warehouse he had constructed with obstacle blocks and walls and trees on the edges. I tried to climb a tree because Leatherface was there! And so was alot of zombie people, mostly middle aged persons with glasses trying to stab me with blunt thick clyndrical objects. I kept running around, hyperventilating as I ran. I then saw a door and broke through th glass…to behold a market scene.

It was downhill, four different patches of wares arraigned like in a flower nursery under a tent cloth cieling. I then found that the blonde man turned into the snidly spie, who very much would like to do bad things to me. I was skipping around the people on the closely-packed tables of doo-dads, food and wares. He was following me around, and I kept going in the zig-zag circles around till I would leap down the next level to the slightly different market. This would repeat three more times until the last two markets were smaller, basically one market spot. Beyond was a beach to the sea.

I had just thought to make it over the bench to the beach, but the spy had caught me, in a very uncompromising position. I screamed.

I woke up halfway at this point, and then tried to continue the dream onward. Onward it did, into the fact our garage had a secret upper level which was a theatre! I was back into an old dream again, but this time, different. I went up the steps with the spider webs to the secret attic which was the balcony of the theatre, wandering around the musty old place’s hallways and such while my dad was around. I tried to avoid him, for I was in fact half-naked for some reason. He was showing around a guy in a blue and white plaid shirt with glass. From what I was doing I was in fact hiding from suspicious persons including the spy.

As I went around the theatre auditorium people were filling in it, and I went from the balcony to the floor looking up. I then went into the main floor where there was a long, dimly lit hallways with paintings, and I was in a green-black evening dress while my sister was running around me. Well, lo and behold the spy was there, but even more sinister..mixed with the Child Catcher.

Oh God NO.

Oh GOD no....

Believe me, its not that funny. I was running around feeling helpless while this fiendish hatted person was chasing me around, and then I last remembered being outside by a shed with gray steel walls…

Dream 2-26-10: Hetalia?

Posted in Dreams, Manga and Anime reviews with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 26, 2010 by Sahkmet

hetDream 2-26-10.


Those that know me know I don’t have a fondness for the manga and anime Hetalia. I am not a Japanese nutbar, so I don’t fully understand the Japanese view of other cultural world powers…and I don’t particularly like how they seem to ignore the Holocaust. Not good. Genocide does not compute in such an entertainment to me, and that’s my opinion.

So when I was dreaming, I had altered a Hetalia-like world. There I was walking to a strange place *too abstract to describe* after crawling in from a computer screen…to see little Nazi anime characters playing around while a helmet-ed Hitler with anime eyes was playing with toy airplanes going ‘vroom vroom!’ I skirted around the group, knowing they are dangerous, to around the…the main orange computer-console thing?

The group took a group picture, where by the sides I took some photos myself. Un-eager to get caught I revisited a warped version of a place I went to before in a dream once: a hallway, red, with…gosh, how do I describe it? the water of the sea was in fact red carpet. The hallway in fact was more like a deep-set highway *keep in mind a black ceiling and low light from the end, which was an altar with a red tree with giant long red fruit* and the side of the walls, my right, were apartments with black and purple walls with balconies. I soon became another person: The country Bavaria  wearing a brown coat and blondish bobbed hair, on a secret mission to Russia *the tree-altar*. I dodged from the balconies hoping I wasn’t followed, and fell into the sea to hold a young cute anime boy named ‘Prussia’, with similar hair but white-blond. I went behind the tree of ‘Russia’ hearing his gruff tones of blabbering gibberish and how he is the most underestimated badass world power of them all.

It was mostly blank, I do not remember. My next point of memory was running into a supermarket. I was in the attempt to find ‘Prussia’ who I lost before the Nazis found me. as I went into the store the owner was a snitch, and I ran into the heating ducts through the store. I went to the far right of the grocery story heating ducts, and turned at the corner facing down the right again the exit. Well, the Nazi’s were piling in! I went back the way I came to know more and more were after me.

I crawled out, now that the Nazis were in the heating ducts, and went out the back door. I was running through the streets, passing building and trying to loose the Nazis on my tail. I found that the leader was Colonel Hans Landa.


I THEN found I was not in 1942 but in the 1960’s, as I told the hippies I was encountering why they were here. I went behind the store, getting my suspicions confirmed this is not the 40’s, into a bog…in the bare light of the bright sunny day, the building’s behind being brown brick. I was screaming for Prussia, worried as the alligators were coming to attack me. I then saw and heard him in a willow tree at the edge of the forest. I went there, holding him in my arms after he fell down thanks to the hippie’s help.

After that, the swirl of a bright day and green leaves, I woke up.

And then right now I found out, after never looking at the character Prussia from Hetalia before, to find he IS white-haired JUST LIKE THAT STYLE.


Dream 1-30-10: Being a Greek God and Palermo

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , on January 30, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 1-30-10

So it was I was a Greek god. I was Hercules and Captain Kirk of Star Trek at the same time. and then, I went fishing and hunting Greek sea monsters and serpents at the shore, with some persons. Not that interesting eh?

It was however, when I was returning, muscled and strong, to my girlfriend. Memories were in my dream-head of my girl with cute blonde locks, waiting for me. I also remembered some doodles, it seems, of myself being friends with another guy when we were younger. Apparently it had been a long, long time since I saw my girlfriend.

Returning to the gazebo area where the doodles had taken place, she was not there. I also remember the name of the man, named Palermo *pronounced Palairemo* and I saw a recital he was holding nearby. I knew he was a villain and I set up a decoy: A giant gray cloud form of myself looking down like a god, at the recital.

An annoying MC was singing with some children around a piano as I and the crew of the OS and NG Star Trek went sneakily around, into the backstage, climbing up the stairs to face Palermo.

It was a hologram but I didn’t know it at first. I had the image of some sort of juicer…somehow…while I ranted to him about he stealing my girl. Soon I realized it was not real, so I went to another room to find him in bed with the girl!

My girl had turned into a fat tranny. I was devastated that she truthfully didn’t love me anymore…that she had moved on. Palermo gave a blank evil face as I went away back into the white light of the office where I previously was, defeated.

Dream 1-24-10: Big D influences my life

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , on January 24, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 1-24-10

The beginning of the dream was that my bed was now on the floor of my room, just the mattress, and Kitleigh and I were having a sleepover sharing the same bed for some reason. I walked in and out of the room *there was some other part of the conversation I’m forgetting* and found dad had picked up and cleaned out the bathroom entirely, including the built in sink. o_O to clean the floor. Thus no toilet, so I couldn’t use it. I went back to the room, and daylight soon became apparent: Kit had to be home by 4 and it was already 1:00, so we went downstairs groggy and sad.

But the kitchen demented: the french doors opened to a corridor much like the dark, curtain-door dressing rooms of a store I recently shopped at. The floor was flooded as I wandered through. However my sister ran ahead of me, giggling, and I was afraid, what with the door beyond was scary *it was a portal!* I looked behind on of the curtains to find a mirror. However to the corner of my eye to the next curtained cubicle with a mirror…Tim Curry as Darkness appeared smiling.

You bet I was scared. I yelled for my sister to return, but too late! I heard him behind me, people screaming, as I ran for the portal…

Getting through, I was, well, I don’t really know. But soon I had gone through into a strange museum, warped from previous visits to the DIA and the Chicago art museum. As I ran, I soon found I was running through a museum of archaic sex toys. The good thing was though, that these didn’t look like…those things at all, but the different galleries and rooms had strange steam punk objects, sculpture art, and other things. Soon the girl following me actually was meant to chase me and hurt me, so I hurried along through a confusing short labyrinth of bedrooms in different styles, before hitting a wall in a very tall, small room. There on the wall was a giant blow-up projection of an internet start page.

Big D, as I call Tim Curry Darkness, was their laughing, and the only way to escape was to type in a new address to go to.  Using incredible mind strength I barely managed to type the address to deviantART…and boom, the wall turned into a doorway. I went through to find myself in a very strange place…a mix of the bridge-view of Hogwarts, another dream from my childhood and lots of greenery. I walked the wooden planks, passing by a group of monks on a hill chanting.

There was a blurry part of the dream. I think I had found I was safe now, and I then became a golden Andalite creature. Once that, powerful and divine and supremely awesome I went back to to the monks. The sick old monk, on the hill in golden robes, was about to die. I stood over him and offered to save him for a price…indeed he paid it, with a kiss, and he was saved.

By now I was waking up, on the gradual trip to being awake: during this my legs were moving as I was waking up and in the dream I was walking away from the hill, and soon, awake.

Dream 1-17-10: Mike Nezzie and the Yes Concert

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 17, 2010 by Sahkmet

Dream 1-17-10

It had begun when I was driving the blue van, half tired, in the night while sitting in the seat uncomfortably. Somehow I looked like a young Steve Howe and in fact, I was a member of the band Yes. Well, I went unto the wrong road, was berated for it by my dad, and took the long sleepy half-conscious journey around to the road all the while thinking how terrible Yes was now in the 80’s.

I had somehow gotten home to our yard, whereupon I was myself! There in the grass-garden patch was a small rabbit nest, where therin I kept a small cute brown rabbit. Well as I was running around the yard there were three more white little rabbits and a white birds, which I had to scurry into their nest trying to keep them to stay so they won’t wander and get crushed. My grandma was nearby.

Somehow or another I felt…there was a purpose, or something, but another part of that ‘purpose’ came to my attention. As I ran with some terrible fear to the end of our yard Micky Dolenz of The Monkees was chasing after me to the far right!

Micky wouldn't harm a fly!

He’s a great guy and all, but he just looks like a gremlin! However much he is in reality my dream said he was bad. The wall at the end of our property turned into four layers with 2 foot alleys in between, so it was like stepping stones as I leaped and hopped across screaming. He was just about to grab me.

I don’t know, things morphed out when I was on the other side. The condominium neighborhood turned into a dark room with a bed, a red version of the room at my grandma’s well, Mike Nesmith was there, that hot little Monkee, but on the phone. He was talking to his wife! Jealousy raged, and he looked at me coldly. I knew I wouldn’t get anything, for he was staying true to his marriage and went out the door.

Nooooo! Don't leave me and grow old! Stay as you were in the 60's!

I then proceeded to wail and feel the full brunt of sexual frustration boil within me while wearing a red sheery sorta outfit. I kept trying to close the door but grandma, outside on the lawn with the white rabbits *somehow this room was where the treehouse was, outside, with an open roof, located in the yard* but the door kept opening, because either there were gray cats swarming in or the door actually was too thin to close properly for privacy. Desperation turned into fear as I walked out and, well, someone let my two parakeets loose outside.

Before I could catch Oliver and Lollipop, they flew into a cloudy fermented fishtank with water and the lid snapped shut! I panicked, and stuck my hand in and pulled out Oliver, who was not breathing. I laid him on the grass and pushed on his chest, and soon his feathers were turning into geometric circle patterns….that meant he was alive…but yet strangely in reality, Oliver is dead. Somehow I believe this imagery was some demented mix of the fact 1. In the real world Oliver died last year and 2. in the dream he’s supposed to be alive which makes a sorta godly figuration of geometric curling feathers and sparkles without him moving.

But Lollipop drowned. In reality, she’s still alive, albeit depressed.

I soon woke up with the horror of her dead in the dream, but really she’s alive.

Dream 12-17-09: The Beginning of Wonderland

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , on December 17, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 12-17-09

This was a short one, since I barely remember the details of the beginning.

It was, well, this girl in orange…I was outside in the sunlight of our house, demented into the similar form of a church from a dream last week. Anyways I saw her enter into the swamp and I knew I could help her as she was trying to get into another dimension which was, well, Wonderland! *my owm that my dreams invented*

To help and along the way I took Huey and apparently my sister was following me. She couldn’t enter through the swamp, as Wonderland is a dimensional plane that goes into the swamp, but is NOT the swamp in our world. Its hard to explain, see.

Well I went, it was cloudy, through the garden to the back wal where Wonderland is located. While there dad was doing something to the lilac bushes against the wall. However from the wall was a big overhanging so up above was concrete with pack snow as our ceiling. I had to find the door again.

There was a sewer manhole covor…on the ceiling, and so desperate I pressed some of it and fancy contraptions came out, like a puzzle! I was solving it as my sister hovored nearby and soon a DS Lite poppsed out attached by a holder. It was on but nothing was happening. I knew that this was to confirm that me, for the first time, found this Wonderland all for me.

I yelled and stated calmly that I know Wonderland is in the wall, and it is from my own head, and that I have found it, so open the door! The top screen showed a creature who looked similar to Bowser who was named Mr. Puffton and he confirmed it so!

Just as he was exalting my name in a booming deep voice, and the wall was being opened…my alarm clock went off. I’m not kidding, it went off before I could go in and see how it changed!

This makes me sad. :<

Dream 12-11-09: Another Tim Curry chase

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 12-11-09

I seem to be getting alot of chase dreams back into that olllddd formula again. This time it added a few more: Formula involving parakeet related anxieties, Tim Curry, and my own Wonderland that is located inside the wall at the end or our yard.

It began where I looking into a giant version of the cage where my parakeet, Lollipop, was in. It was located in the garden. As I looked inside there was, well, a baby bird in it! The cage expanded into some sort of aviary in the shade of our garden, and I also saw many birds. Oliver had long since died so, how could she have children? But they were adopted, as the parakeets revealed themselves as puppets, representations of a society to help insane birds like here. Strangely enough dad was in the cage too.

I pulled out some feathers that were attached to the door and was going to use them as new perches for the cage. Unpon inspecting the chicks though, they were many, and looked like ugly miniature apes! Disgusting.

Walking out I went towards the house, while a strange sort of drama occurred. My mind went into a sort of tangent, into a story about a princess running away and then men in robes…one of them Tim Curry apprehending her and, well, bad things happen. I returned back to my own body and was walked out unto a stage for some Girls Scouts. Turns out I was that girl in the past and had completely forgotten it till now! This time Tim Curry was wearing a red suit, and knowing this I began to run with him behind me.

I had run into the side of the garage where apparently, though I could see perfectly, I was half blind somehow. Another thing was the new houses put up next to our lot were not there, and it was just like the grassy swamp it was before. I ran through, back around into the garden. Tim curry was far behind me now…

I was nearing the wall. I begged aloud that the wonderland would return. And, with a bright light and the trees moved away it did! It turned into a gorgeous brick,yellow, and blue water park entrance! I waded through the water happy and glad and into a giant room filled with sports, water, talking happy people…and 90’s clothes. Everything 90’s, the culture of my childhood.

As I waded through glad that, at last, Wonderland came to  me to suit the needs of my escape I was going deeper inside to a door. Along the way however Tim Curry was dressed as a jester Red Wings hocky player, and was stealthily following me! I went through the door and was going through all different rooms of, well, typically 90’s homes and interiors. There were some secret trap doors I went through in their bathrooms into other homes, because since this was my Wonderland, it would suit my needs.

I felt I was waking up, which would explain when I tried to press the tiles of this last bathroom with Tim Curry closing in it didn’t work, and I pretended ot be whisked to the side into blackness to escape his fearful clutches…but it was a lie, for I woke up with the alarm.

Dream 12-6-09: The Master Returns

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , on December 6, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 12-6-09

I haven’t had any dreams for awhile that involved John Simm as The Master in Doctor Who….that is till this month, because he returns in an episode two-parter the 26th…so I guess I’m hyped, and back to the ‘good ol’ days’ of hanging out with my friend Kit ALOT earlier this year.

And so it was, Harold Saxon was wearing a white shirt and working in an officie building. See it was mostly empty, because a large volcano erupted in Witchita, Kansas and was naturally dissolving and cause chaos of America. Thankfully I was some nerd with black hair and wearing a green office dress-suit and in Britain…in the office building…

Turns out I knew this Harold Saxon was a very nasty man, not even a man, and was really The Master. But that didn’t stop him from going all nasty on me, going ‘you have ten minutes to get up here or I will blow something up!’

Well being me who is a mix of cowering in fear and defying, I was running around…though when he mentioned he had my sister hostage, I had to go! By then my dream self was shaking and I kneeled before him as he sat at a desk, with my sibling in a swivlechair behind him. I also was with the reason he could easily kill me if I was not a good little human. At this point I think I was enjoying this dream…till it went into something more surpriseing as sister so happily and curiously said something quite not child-friendly concerning the fact I was at his mercy. With which, Saxon promptely said yes, he would make me. I didn’t like that.

Thankfully (?) the dream began to warp as usual, devaiting from a devious plot, as we brought out the x-box and I told him in my dimension there was a Master video game where he wins in the three episodes from two years ago! Happily he snapped his fingers so I could prove it to him. Popping it in, it was a video game version of the entire first scene of me running up and down levels of the office building with a time limit……

From here the dream was hazy into myself waking up. Recollecitons of being my normal hairstyle and color, in a white room and leash, wearing a white T-shirt and pants. The Doctor was already a slave and I was locked in this room during the events of episode The Sound of Drums where The Master takes over the earth and a climatic action sequence with the Doctor on the Valiant airship.

After realizing that I believe I woke up at this time.

Dream 12-5-09: Three in one, with nosferatu, flying and secret orphanages

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , on December 5, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 12-5-09

The first dream involved my Chemistry class. Something was quite wrong, as we were facing in a different direction, and it became evident the tree we were decorating was a giant umbrella. But, as it went along, there was a sorta Dalek-shaped-gray thing that was just really REALLY scary. It reminded me of the killer evil unnatural Christmas tree from a dream in my childhood. It was moving closer and closer to me.

Thankfully my mom’s alarm clock in the other room went off very loud, so I woke up. But she wasn’t there, so I had to turn on a light, go into the room, fiddle around trying to find the switch, and head back to bed.

When I went back to sleep, it was the apocalypse.

The world had gone into wilderness and I lived in a van. We drove to a dark wood church, shrouded by pine trees, the wet dark from wet. Inside there was a choir and this one man, but I knew wrong had been done here, on the stairs to the right-middle. It was where…something about the creator of Winnie the Pooh…but when I went outside to tell the world I had become my true form, which was a purple female Andalite! But, the leader of the church was a strong, bad Andalite…he banished me, and being weaker than him, I went back to the van as a human.

I woke up a little when dad went to bed, but promptely fell asleep.

It was now daylight, and we parked at the curb of a road that led down a green hill-cliff, which was the roof od a warehouse! well, we were behind the wall, which against the wall was a line of thicket and thorns for shelter. I and my brother had the idea, to get money, to make ‘rainbow pumpkin buddies’, and if you buy all four giant ones you get the special small one!

Well it felt that the Nosferatu vampire wearing orange were our new natural predators, so you bet me and my brother hid when the rainbow pumpkins, in the distance, were being destroyed by the vampire. However he saw us, so you bet we ran! We went into the thicket back and forth, but to no use he advanced.

I broke into a run, down the hill, flapping and flopping through the air! I went around the building, which seemed to be the place where our house was, and went to the neighbors looking for any vines to grab and crawl and get away. No use, for when I went into the alleyway, inside the house…I was trapped.

I was held down and trapped, awaiting his cold fingers upon me…soon they did, touching me and pulling at my clothes while he spoke a strange language, talking to himself as I was stripped…

Turning to my left, I saw a y oung boy. He was using a roll of wrapping paper as a measuring stick, demonstrating…something awful, for the poor boy. Then he turned into some bitchy woman!

I escaped somehow, and the dream was becoming more warped. As I ran around and around again, and into the next house while the fmaily was having dinner, the lady behind me kept roling her eyes like an idiot valley girl constantly going ‘You cannot escape very long…’ I ran back out and back to the hill-grassy-wall roof, then back again, after kicking a blue and blonde barbie doll, screaming…

Back into the house I broke through a window. Strangely there was a room, with rows upon rows of dirty white bathtubs! The other room however…was awful. There was these retarded children, who were murderous zombies, glowing in bright digital colors. I felt sad for them, locked in this room sitting at decrepit schooldesks…so against the will of that lady, who was nagging behind me, I set them free.

As I ran with them to, this time strangly another location *like some open spaced golf course* that was out the window the kids were biting and turning other people into zombies! So me and my sister went into a silver car…unfortunate as we went up a hill…there were four evil clowns.

Quite distressing they hijacked us and at gun point were making us go unto some freeway into the city…well, it was not very fun.

I woke up soon as we got unto the freeway.

Dream 12-3-09: Gay Captain Kirk and Dr. Who Movie

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 4, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 12-3-09


Somehow it all began in the bathtub.

Meaning, a bathtub in the dream. Somehow crawling out of it into some wooded area was I, Captain Kirk of the Starship E nterprise, with a cowboy hat in gayish clothing. I had been trapped here against my will by some man, who was..Khan from the episode Space Seed. Worse, he now looked like my old crush…Dracula from Van Helsing.

This Khan/Dracula was forcing me, Kirk, to show he/me was quite gay. It worked frankly, because we rolled together by the log we were sitting on and went into a dream-warped version of the 69 position. From there I was either turning into Kirk participitating, into myself with woman parts, or being in the point of view of a nearby purple mushroom wittnessing the wettish-dream.

I do remember waking up from…that…and residing back into sleep. My sleep forthwith gave me more dreams, this time relating to the fact there was an outdoor movie screen where our old shed used to be, stadium chairs, and behindish to the left in our tree grove were stalls selling DVDs, video games, and stuff.

First the film. The film in fact was a made-up Doctor Who film with David Tennant and companion…older fattish guy in blue. As the doctor goes about doing things, it comes up he’s reminising and missing his lover…er, old friend The Master. I also see my dad and Emily are in the audience watching, and I feel the hope that he would be impressed by the new Doctor series.

Soon minerature puppet figures of a gayish Doctor and John Simm as The Master come up, and they’re tap dancing with cane and top hats! and seriously I swear it was Simmy’s voice so perfect…they were singing and mocking poor Doctor. 😦

I left the staduim to go Christmas shopping. Therein I bought a heavily advertised Gauntlet 2 game for PlayStation 2 for my brother. Going to back, there were candies and beanie babies. And rice Krispie treats! I took a free sample, but I snuck another under the silly teenager eyes of the boy running the thing, as dad passed by chatting with someone, to the pine tree.

That was basically it, right there…

Dream 11-20-09: The anxieted fear of such things

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , on November 21, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 11-20-09


I feel perhaps my past relationship with my first boyfriend Zane and his sexual advances on me that I left unrequited has definitely frazzled my brain. Along with other outside-instances and strange, warped fears.

It began when mom was interested in the colored, pretty magical shells that were being sold by an purple-dressed, goateed magician down our street, who parked his purple balloon and tent of wares (reference to The Wizard of Oz I saw the night previously) and so, to get more, I was sent down there to buy.

Mom and dad followed me, as I went through the yard where the magician was. It soon felt like I was in another ‘universe’, like those many fantasy-exotic young adult books and trilogies that are popular. Alas the real reason for me here was revealed. My parents revealed the ‘surprise’ and that was to sell me, to prostitute me, to him and these other persons accosiated with him, for the night.

That was extremely disturbing. We would never be that desperate to force me to sell myself! Another ‘dream minute’ went by of strange forced sexual things along with a short story of were-children, all males (who have fur all over their bodies except their human heads) had all grown up, and went to the Magician after the night went by to tell him they were leaving. A herd of the Magician’s elephants ran them off the cliff!

I felt strange and was no longer part of the action, and I went home. There was the walnut tree that no longer had the treehouse, and was growing pears. However only the ripe pears were higher up. I began to straddle the trunks to scoot and clamber up and around the branches to pick the pears. Now, being a woman….it felt comfortable and fun to do so…maybe more than comfort. But such things were done with, when I had reached and was very high up and upside down, and there was a floating green head!

It looked like the silent film version of Mr. Hyde. He was making lewd facial gestures to a piece of dark bark that was suspended from a twig. Then he turned and was making them to me! I was very disgusted, especially with the knowledge that it might float over to me. I quickly clambered down and off to the garage to tell my parents, and then into the house to hide.

I didn’t hide for long, for soon I was back down the street where the Magician was getting arrested (in a suit) into a white van with women lawyers and police. They were driving him to the court because he had sex with a minor, and I latched on the roof. I also became aware that I was wearing a usual form of dress I most of the time seem to have when I have the ability to fly in my dreams: a white, big sleeves gown of some sort, and I also am smaller in size and more like a fairy creature than myself. So it went I was holding on as they drove down the highway…and I flitted off, floating and flapping over the busy cars.

I soon woke up.



Dreams 11-(5-7) -09: Astroboy, Fabio and Transformers

Posted in Dreams with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 7, 2009 by Sahkmet

Dream 11-5-09


So it was that I was reading a comic book of a black and white Astroboy Comic, asfter being chased in the dark around grandma’s ___ house by Siruis Black. In the comic there was an old man with longish-white hair being, well, molested on a rock on the water near a dock. Soon I pointed out to my brother that in one panel the guy’s flab seems to spell the word ‘furry’. Soon Astroboy saved him, covered in starfish and green seaweed.

It soon progressed to back at my grandparent’s house, however this time it turned into a building complex/grocery store set not in the area but in the Congo. This whole idea of the Congo, soon the evil gorrillas attacking me *who now turned into Astroboy* and a bomb from a laser sattilite was from the movie review of Congo I saw that very day! With this I, astroboy now, flew far away and watched the people trapped in the complex surrounded by the forest…burn. Die.


Dream 11-6-09


This one was more scary and strange, it played on an abstract form of an anxiety I had, relating to a real-life event that is not my business to disclose those details online to the public.

In this dream I had seemed to be in some sort of movie trailer, or something with alot of snippits of scenes of this sort of romantic comedy. In it was basically the plot of a Fabio-like man, muscular and a womanizer cavorting in lustful situations, trying to woo and soon change to win the love of this nerdish woman with big glasses…that looked like a mix of my mother and my sister. there were scenes of them in love, of fighting, of the beginning and the end. One particiular scene was quite strange, as Fabio-man was in a girlish black cat pink-fur-trimmed sexy outfit with a harem of other cat women, while the nerd woman was disgusted. It was quite a strange sight. As this trailer for the film wore on I felt myself being enticied by this not-exactly-Fabio man, and the plot.

Then it got worse. Soon it skipped to the end, where he’s outside in a parking lot on a bench outside a store….transplanted into a memory landscape from a picnic gathering I was at in 1999. There was a loud voice going ‘2000’s fashions are in!’ denoting now Fabio-man, looking old and nerdy, this was int eh future. He flashbacked to a football game stadium and sittin gon the couch with the nerd woman and children…and they vanished. They were dead. All dead.

Then the face of Fabio-man changed into a recognizable face of the man that had, well, did bad things with, with my sister. I was pulled out of the trailer into the real world into a room that was in the movie, while my sister had this concerned face as she turned off the TV with a remote. I felt anxiety and disgust I was falling for this man in the movie that soon had the face of a person that hurt my sister, especially since I never even met that man nor did he ever hurt me directly! It was strange and well, by and by the dream built up a not-good fantasy from anxiety into this confused mess. It also represented how my sister felt for this man before those things happened.


Dream 11-7-09.


This was far better, if harkening in a dream style I used to have quite alot! That dream style is a chase dream whereupon though I feel powerful in some different new form, I eventually weaken and become so helpless and tired, weak and distressed it ends quite thrillingly wrong. I don’t remember the exact last time I had a dream of this nature, since I am in college and becoming a more responsible adult instead of, say, a dreaming 15 year old just understanding the world of sexuality and self-esteem and feeling the fear of such things.

I don’t specifically remember the beginning, as that is muddyin my memory, but I had become the adility to turn into a purple Transformer robot, and then into a Transformer purple fighter jet. It was quite awesome, however once more another Congo reference came into the dream: Tim Curry from that film was there, a scientist tracking me since, how often does a human turn into a freaking Autobot?

So I turned and began flying, flying low as I trijed to control my new form across the water and Macinac bridge with Tim Curry in pursuit. Soon I landed into a train and turned human, hoping no one would notice I am the human-autobot. Well, there was Tim Curry, sitting across the asile watching me. Soon the train stopped at the place, to the woods, and seensing that the TimCurryNarrating was boding me ill…I ran.

But I became drowsed and weak, my powers and muscle sore and unusable from turning into a giant robot. It has been a long time since I have had this ‘formula’ of a dream where ‘I have some wanted power, get chased, then feel helpless and weak and becomes dominated’. It was scary, because soon Tim Curry was on me. >_>